quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2012

Open Letter...

Believe me, we together can transform this. A true revolution does not mean violence. It means mobilizing the collective consciousness. Do not be afraid. Tibet can be free, as the non-communist China as well. Time is coming! Be together and full of faith. Freedom and human rights will be the prize. There is a way to get them, but mostly the Prime Minister of Tibet can move it, in name of the State of Tibet in exile, with the International Community pressing positively for. Have a look, and pass it on: http://tibetparaomundo.blogspot.com


Dear Sir Kalon Tripa, Sikyong Lobsang Sangay,

The time is now! It is time for the Snow Lion...

Time for the International Community to stop, once and for all, the genocide of an entire Nation.

Time for You to go to the International Court of Justice. This is the only possible way, and place, where we will have a real dialogue with China. We are talking about the most important judicial organ at the United Nations, this Peaceful Palace located at the heart of the peaceful city of Hague in the Netherlands. The only capital in the World, known for its history in peaceful international settlements, for territorial and boundary disputes. And, therefore, this will be how to achieve the fullness of Human Rights, as a consequence implicit in the act.

Time to constitute a team of experts in International Public Law. The best possible team, to claim and demand for Justice, which means a repossession claim of the Tibetan territory, to bring back His Holiness the Dalai Lama and His people to a Free Tibet and, consequently, the prompt reinstatement of the Human Rights, further declaring that the continued presence of China in Tibet will be illegal and must be terminated as soon as possible.

As His Holiness has said, only the dialogue will solve that question and it can no longer wait for a good faith dialogue coming from China. It is an absolute reality that no dialogue would be possible at this time without the presence of the International Court of Justice, as mentioned above. Regardless, this is an action that only Tibet can do it! No one can do it in its place!

After all this, Tibet could be considered a Humankind World Heritage by the United Nations, and begin to shine with dignity and self-existence.

I also believe that His Holiness the Dalai Lama should lead, be the voice of the Chinese non-communists, speaking to them since now, in the media, giving the hope of better days, with His universal message of peace, freedom, brotherhood and compassion. No one better than HHDL to play this role on behalf of Universal Love. With positive result, in the same process, for the Tibetan cause.

I remain at your disposal.

Sarve Bhavantu Mangalam!

Yours sincerely,

Flávio Marcondes Velloso, professor.